Electric Vehicle Subsidy in Delhi

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional vehicles that run on fossil fuels. As a response to the growing demand for EVs, the Delhi government has introduced a subsidy policy to encourage more people to switch to electric vehicles.

EV Subsidy Policy in Delhi

Delhi's EV subsidy policy provides financial incentives to people who purchase electric vehicles. The policy is designed to make EVs more affordable and accessible to the people of Delhi. The subsidy is available to people who meet certain eligibility criteria, such as owning a residential property in Delhi and having a valid driving license.

The subsidy amount varies depending on the type of electric vehicle purchased. For example, the subsidy for an electric 2-wheeler is Rs 5,000 per kWh, up to a maximum of Rs 30,000. Similarly, the subsidy for an electric car is Rs 10,000 per kWh, up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh.




E-Auto Rickshaw

E-Rickshaws & E-Carts


Light Commercial Vehicles

E-cycles are eligible for a purchase incentive of 25% of the MRP (not exceeding INR. 5,500 per vehicle).

Purchase incentive of Rs 5,000/kWh of battery capacity; not exceeding Rs 30,000/vehicle.

Purchase incentive of Rs 30,000/vehicle on buying e-LCV.

Purchase incentive of Rs 30,000/vehicle on buying an e-rickshaw or e-cart.



Purchase incentive of Rs 10,000/kWh of battery capacity for the first 1000 cars Cap of Rs 1,50,000/vehicle.

Purchase incentive of Rs 30,000/vehicle on buying e-LCV.


An additional INR. 2,000 to the first 1,000 individual owners of e-cycles.

Additional scrapping incentive of up to Rs 5,000, subject to evidence of matching contribution from the dealer or Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

A scrapping incentive of up to Rs 7,500 subject to evidence of matching contribution from the dealer/OEM.


E-rickshaw and e-cart, based on advanced batteries also eligible for a 5% interest subvention on loans and/or hire purchase scheme

Delhi crossed the 1000-car mark in August 2021, and incentives on e-cars are subject to further notification from the Delhi Government.

A scrapping incentive of up to Rs 7,500 subject to evidence of matching contribution from the dealer/OEM.

E-cargo cycles are eligible for a purchase incentive of 33% of the e-cycle price (not exceeding INR. 15,000 per vehicle).


Eligible for a 5% interest subvention of loans and/or hire purchase scheme.



Eligible for a 5% interest subvention of loans and/or hire purchase scheme.

A scrapping incentive of Rs 2,000-Rs 3,000 subjects to evidence of matching contribution from the dealer/OEM.






Also, See: All State EV Policies

Benefits of EV Subsidies in Delhi

The introduction of EV subsidies in Delhi has numerous benefits. First and foremost, electric vehicles produce zero emissions, which makes them environmentally friendly. By promoting the use of EVs, Delhi can reduce its air pollution levels and greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, EVs are cheaper to operate and maintain than traditional vehicles. EVs have lower running costs, as electricity is cheaper than gasoline or diesel. They also require less maintenance as they have fewer moving parts than traditional vehicles.

Moreover, the adoption of EVs can create new job opportunities in the charging infrastructure industry, leading to an increase in economic growth.

Challenges Faced by EV Subsidy Policy in Delhi

The implementation of EV subsidies in Delhi faces several challenges. One of the significant challenges is low awareness among people. Many people are unaware of the benefits of electric vehicles and the subsidy policy. Therefore, they continue to purchase traditional vehicles.

Another challenge is the lack of sufficient charging infrastructure. Many people are hesitant to purchase EVs because they worry about running out of power and not having a place to charge their vehicles.

Impact of EV Subsidies in Delhi

The introduction of EV subsidies in Delhi has had a significant impact on the adoption of electric vehicles. The number of EVs sold in Delhi has increased dramatically since the introduction of the subsidy policy. According to a report by the Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, the sales of EVs in Delhi increased by 72% in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in the previous year.

Moreover, the increase in the number of EVs has led to a reduction in air pollution levels. Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world, and air pollution is a significant health hazard. The use of EVs reduces the emission of harmful pollutants, which helps improve the air quality in Delhi.

Lastly, the adoption of EVs has also led to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. India is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world, and the use of EVs can help reduce India's carbon footprint.

Comparison with Other States

The EV subsidy policy in Delhi is not unique, and other states in India have implemented similar policies. However, the subsidy amount and eligibility criteria vary between states. For example, Maharashtra provides a subsidy of up to Rs 5 lakh for electric cars, while Tamil Nadu provides a subsidy of up to Rs 50,000 for electric two-wheelers.

The best practices from other states can be implemented in Delhi to improve the effectiveness of the subsidy policy. For example, some states provide additional incentives for the purchase of EVs by government organizations, which can help increase the demand for EVs.

Future of EV Subsidies in Delhi

The Delhi government has ambitious plans for the future of EV subsidies in Delhi. The government aims to increase the number of EVs on the roads of Delhi to 25% by 2024. To achieve this goal, the government plans to expand the charging infrastructure in Delhi and increase awareness about the benefits of EVs.

The government is also exploring the possibility of providing additional incentives for the purchase of EVs, such as exemption from road tax and parking fees. These incentives can further reduce the cost of owning an EV and make them more attractive to potential buyers.


In conclusion, the introduction of EV subsidies in Delhi has had a positive impact on the adoption of electric vehicles. The subsidy policy has led to an increase in the number of EVs sold in Delhi, a reduction in air pollution levels, and a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

Despite the challenges faced by the implementation of the subsidy policy, the Delhi government is committed to expanding the use of EVs in the city. With the introduction of additional incentives and the expansion of the charging infrastructure, Delhi can become a leader in the adoption of EVs in India.


How much subsidy is provided for EVs in Delhi?

The subsidy amount varies depending on the type of electric vehicle purchased. For example, the subsidy for an electric two-wheeler is Rs 5,000 per kWh, up to a maximum of Rs 30,000. Similarly, the subsidy for an electric car is Rs 10,000 per kWh, up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh.

What types of EVs are eligible for subsidies in Delhi?

Electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers are eligible for subsidies in Delhi.

What are the eligibility criteria for EV subsidies in Delhi?

To be eligible for EV subsidies in Delhi, a person must be a resident of Delhi and own a residential property in Delhi. The person must also have a valid driving license.

How can I apply for an EV subsidy in Delhi?

The application process for EV subsidies in Delhi is online. The applicant must submit the required documents and information on the Delhi Transport Department's website.

How has the subsidy policy impacted the EV market in Delhi?

The subsidy policy has led to a significant increase in the sales of electric vehicles in Delhi. According to a report by the Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, the sales of EVs in Delhi increased by 72% in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in the previous year.

What is the future of EV subsidies in Delhi?

The Delhi government has ambitious plans for the future of EV subsidies in the city. The government aims to increase the number of EVs on the roads of Delhi to 25% by 2024. To achieve this goal, the government plans to expand the charging infrastructure in Delhi and increase awareness about the benefits of EVs.

Are there any challenges faced in the implementation of the EV subsidy policy in Delhi?

Yes, there are several challenges faced in the implementation of the EV subsidy policy in Delhi. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of charging infrastructure in the city. The Delhi government is taking steps to address this challenge by increasing the number of charging stations in the city.

How can the adoption of EVs help reduce air pollution levels in Delhi?

The use of EVs reduces the emission of harmful pollutants, which helps improve the air quality in Delhi. Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world, and air pollution is a significant health hazard. The adoption of EVs can help reduce the impact of air pollution on the health of the residents of Delhi.

Can the use of EVs help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in India?

Yes, the use of EVs can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in India. India is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world, and the adoption of EVs can help reduce India's carbon footprint.

What are the benefits of owning an EV in Delhi?

Owning an EV in Delhi has several benefits. EVs are cheaper to operate and maintain compared to traditional vehicles. They also help reduce air pollution levels in the city, which can have a positive impact on the health of the residents of Delhi. Additionally, the Delhi government provides subsidies and incentives for the purchase of EVs, which can further reduce the cost of owning an EV.

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